Meanwhile, I dug 12 holes in my Front Entry Garden and embedded "permanent" 1 gal pots, so that I will never have to dig holes there again. I will simply slip pots of Annuals or Bulbs into the embedded containers, ensuring a year-round show of color and interest, and then I can slip them out and replace once the show is finished.
In addition to reducing the amount of hole-digging that I typically do each season, I am also trying to limit the time spent pulling weeds. I planted a group of 5 Ajuga 'Burgundy Glow' under the Crape Myrtle 'Petite Orchid' next to the Garage, and hopefully they will spread into a thick mat to block out the persistent weeds.
With the arrival of the cooler days of late summer, it's such a pleasure to spend time out in the garden tackling projects and making progress!
"pots in the ground" lovely idea!
I stole this idea from GardenGate magazine, and it's brilliant because no more digging holes. Try it!
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